Testimony in the German Parliament, Committee on Economic Affairs and Energy, on a Multilateral Investment Court

On 6 June 2018, at the invitation of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Energy of the German Bundestag, Steffen Hindelang testified on the planned establishment of a Multilateral Investment Court.
In his written statement, he came to the conclusion that the establishment of a "Multilateral Investment Court" ("MIC") can make a key contribution to strengthening the legitimacy and integrity of international investor-state dispute resolution. A prerequisite for such a contribution would be, among other things, that the members (judges) of a MIC are not allowed to exercise ancillary offices in the field of international investment law and that functioning domestic courts are approached first by a foreign investor. A MIC would provide subsidiary protection only; a model tried and tested with regard to the European Court of Human Rights.
The written statement (in German language) in full length:
Video of the testimonies in the German Bundestag
Further Information
Noch einen Nachschlag gefällig? Der Vorschlag der Bundesregierung zu einer Interpretationserklärung zum CETA-Abkommen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Handelspolitik (Want another serving? The German Government’s Proposal for an Interpretative Declaration on the CETA Agreement and its Implications for Trade Policy) (in collaboration with Julia Nassl)l)
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