New Study on Free Trade Agreement between the EU and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam submitted to the European Parliament by Hindelang / Hagemeyer / Richtmann
The 144 page-long study by Steffen Hindelang, Theoman M. Hagemeyer, and Simon Richtmann analyses certain provisions of the Free Trade Agreement between the EU and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (‘EUVFTA’) in three distinct parts: (1) a legal assessment comprising of a brief introduction of the EUVFTA as a whole, an analysis of its investment‐related provisions in particular, and a comparison of the investment‐related provisions in the EUVFTA with the Free Trade Agreement between the EU and Singapore, (2) an economic analysis considering both the prospective impact of the EUVFTA on the bilateral investment relations between the EU and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam as well as the expectations and perceptions of stakeholders regarding the agreement and its implementation, and (3) an interdisciplinary conclusion with the view to formulate policy recommendations for the implementation of the EUVFTA.
The results were made available to the Members of the European Parliament only.