Noch einen Nachschlag gefällig? Der Vorschlag der Bundesregierung zu einer Interpretationserklärung zum CETA-Abkommen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Handelspolitik (Want another serving? The German Government’s Proposal for an Interpretative Declaration on the CETA Agreement and its Implications for Trade Policy) (in collaboration with Julia Nassl)l)

Völkerrechtsblog, 2022/11/30; available at: Klicken Sie auf den unteren Button, um den Inhalt von zu laden. Inhalt laden

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The Price for a Seat at the ISDS Reform Table – CJEU’s clearance of the EU’s investment protection policy in Opinion 1/17 and its impact on the EU constitutional order

The Price for a Seat at the ISDS Reform Table - CJEU’s clearance of the EU’s investment protection policy in Opinion 1/17 and its impact on the EU constitutional order

Steffen Hindelang: The Price for a Seat at the ISDS Reform Table – CJEU’s clearance of the EU’s investment protection policy in Opinion 1/17 and its impact on the EU constitutional order. In: Biondi, Andrea; Sangiuolo, Giorgia (Ed.): Judicial Protection and EU Free Trade Agreements, Edward Elgar Publishing, Forthcoming. AbstractThe CJEU in Opinion 1/17 concluded…

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